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Returns all event objects matching the conditions in the specified filter.


filter: (object) [Required] The conditions used to filter the returned events, including:

  • from_block: [Required] Block parameter object containing one of the following:
    • block_hash: (string) Block hash.
    • block_number: (integer) Decimal block number.
    • One of the string tags latest or pending.
  • to_block: [Required] Block parameter object containing one of the following:
    • block_hash: (string) Block hash.
    • block_number: (integer) Decimal block number.
    • One of the string tags latest or pending.
  • address: (string) Sender contract address.
  • keys: (array) The values used to filter the events.
  • continuation_token: (string) The token returned from the previous query. If no token is provided, the first page is returned.
  • chunk_size: (integer) [Required] Chunk size.


An object containing:

  • continuation_token: Use this token in a subsequent query to obtain the next page. This is not included if there are no more pages.
  • events: An array of all event objects matching the specified filter.


Replace <YOUR-API-KEY> with an API key from your Infura dashboard.


curl<YOUR-API-KEY> \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "starknet_getEvents",
"params": {
"filter": {
"from_block": "latest",
"to_block": "latest",
"address": "0x04c0a5193d58f74fbace4b74dcf65481e734ed1714121bdc571da345540efa05",
"chunk_size": 10
"id": 0


"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 0,
"result": {
"continuation_token": "637544-10",
"events": [
"block_hash": "0x38b2028fb31299733c25f55316721a90497f3300970f4a69b8774fe4d8cb600",
"block_number": 637544,
"data": [
"from_address": "0x4c0a5193d58f74fbace4b74dcf65481e734ed1714121bdc571da345540efa05",
"keys": [
"transaction_hash": "0x642fcafc5bdaa756c410cc6a968497551e86a783a5f21ea34c0f9214c2240af"
"block_hash": "0x38b2028fb31299733c25f55316721a90497f3300970f4a69b8774fe4d8cb600",
"block_number": 637544,
"data": [
"from_address": "0x4c0a5193d58f74fbace4b74dcf65481e734ed1714121bdc571da345540efa05",
"keys": [
"transaction_hash": "0x642fcafc5bdaa756c410cc6a968497551e86a783a5f21ea34c0f9214c2240af"
"block_hash": "0x38b2028fb31299733c25f55316721a90497f3300970f4a69b8774fe4d8cb600",
"block_number": 637544,
"data": [
"from_address": "0x4c0a5193d58f74fbace4b74dcf65481e734ed1714121bdc571da345540efa05",
"keys": [
"transaction_hash": "0x642fcafc5bdaa756c410cc6a968497551e86a783a5f21ea34c0f9214c2240af"